Sunday 1 September 2013

Where To Find The Best Rates For A Home Equity Line Of Credit

Where can you find the best home equity line of credit rates? A better question would be to ask how to research lenders to find the best rates. Research is important, and the more research you conduct the better your chances are of finding the lender with the most favorable interest rate.

Where to Find the Best Rates on a Line of Credit

Not very long ago I asked myself where I could find the best rates home equity line of credit. It was my first experience applying for a line of credit, and I didn’t know where to begin. I was fortunate; during my research I happened to come across the website. When I visited the website, I found out some great information such as:
  • The rates of home equity lines of credit are not all the same
  • Lenders base their interest rates on the credit scores of the borrowers and the equity in the home
  • The terms on equity lines of credit work in much the same way as the payments on credit cards
  • It is possible to find more competitive rates by searching online lenders
If you’re considering applying for an equity line of credit, you may also wish to visit the Real-Estate-Yogi website. You will also find a contact information form on the website—I heard back from one of the professionals in less than fifteen minutes.

Conducting Research

Research is the best way to locate the best rates for home equity line of credit. You want to research lenders online and not limit yourself to your local area in order to ensure the most competitive rate. Don’t rush through the process; allow time for analysis and evaluation.

Choosing the Best Rate

After your research phase you are ready to choose the lender that offers the best home equity line of credit rate. It’s important to look at all the variables and not choose a lender based on any one factor. The lender with the best rate offers the best overall package including rate, repayment terms and maximum loan amount.

Before you make a decision about a lender for your home equity line of credit, browse through the excellent information you find on After you finish browsing you may wish to request a consultation with one of the experts by calling 1-800-987-1397.

Friday 9 August 2013

What Is A Home Equity Line Of Credit And Qualifying For Heloc Loans

I was in a bad accident in which a portion of my body had been seriously burned. It was going to take a couple years of treatment and therapy in order for the skin to heal and new skin to be grafted in place. This all happened before I had any health insurance and sadly the medical costs were enough to possibly bankrupt me. I needed an avenue to help ease the financial burden so I could continue with my life and my recovery without any setbacks. My credit score wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t great either, so taking out a loan that could cover the costs associated was probably not going to work. That was until I was introduced to the possibilities of home equity lines of credit.
  • If you have been paying a mortgage you have been building up equity over time. This money is technically still yours.
  • heloc loan is a loan against this equity. As you pay off the balance the amount of available credit on heloc loans increases!
  • The best part is that this money is tax deductible and you can spend it however you wish.
  • The risk is that you are borrowing against the amount of ownership you have built up in your home, so if you default on either the mortgage or the new loan you will lose your home.

Facing things head on

I sat down with my lender and discussed the problems I was having. They held a sympathetic ear to my plight, but they also had to protect their own business. Initially we discussed the possibilities of foreclosure and how it needed to be avoided at all costs. Neither of us wanted that outcome, however it was becoming more and more likely with every bill I was receiving from the hospital for my treatments. I didn’t really need a lump sum of money that I’d have to pay off in a year, although that was another option with my equity. What I needed was the ability to tap into my equity over many months in order to keep up with the hospital bills. The lender suggested taking out a line of credit against my home. Essentially it was a second mortgage and there were inherent risks involved, however I was in no danger of losing my job and the lending company felt comfortable allowing me to take on that risk.

How equity worked for me

Every other month I would go in for my treatments and receive a sizeable medical bill. I would then contact my mortgage lender and receive my money to help pay for these bills. At the end of the year I could write off these payments from my taxes. Home equity can be used for just about anything. Since this time I’ve seen my neighbors use equity to make additions and “green” improvements on their home. The solar panels which now sit on their roof have afforded them some tax breaks too along with the energy savings. I heard of another family that put their child through college using a home equity line of credit over several years.

Eventually the loan has a lifetime and you will have to pay it back at the agreed upon moment. However these deals are often negotiable and can be extended in certain circumstances. The key with any mortgage is to develop a great relationship with your lender. Visit and ask them “what is a heloc loan, and how can I acquire one?” They are experts on these topics and can help guide you through all of your real estate ventures. Call them at 1-800-987-1397.

Sunday 21 July 2013

How Do You Get A Home Equity Line Of Credit?

Strange days we’ve been having. Bad weather here, worse weather over there. The neighbor just lost his home to foreclosure and here we are in the middle of 2013 wondering what the future holds for homeownership. One thing that hasn’t changed is the potential of heloc rates and what you might be able to do with this money over time. Many people are afraid to put a lien on their home or take out more loans and acquire new debt. Others are eager to spend money, but haven’t a clue how to handle paying back debt. The key is to make financially sound decisions with home equity lines of credit that will pay off at some point, and have a good personal repayment plan that doesn’t include losing everything because of your debts. But why use equity in the first place?
  • Have you ever dream't of starting your own business? With credit equity you could potentially have a steady income to help build a business in the first few “lean” years while you establish your service or product.
  • Do you want to send your child to college? Refinancing a home equity line of credit can be an investment in someone you love while they pursue higher education and greater opportunities.
  • Are you anticipating medical procedures or expenses over the next few years that might be very expensive? Heloc loans can bump your income up just enough to make those payments a little less of a burden.
What’s Equity And How Can I Use It?

If you have been paying off the principal on your home for a while you have been building up a little pile of equity. This is money that is technically yours to do with what you want, but up until this point you have been putting it towards your home and mortgage. With a home equity line of credit you can access this money as if it were a credit card any time. However it comes in the form of cash, and it is tax deductible since it is attached to your home. The risk is that you will be taking on more debt to be paid off at a later date, but the benefit is that you get the money now to do with as you like.

The Cash Out Option

Equity can also be acquired through cash out options where the money is acquired in a lump sum much like any other loan. Whatever you take out will set you back from paying back your mortgage entirely, but these lump payments can be very helpful for people who want to reinvest in their property. Often someone will take out a loan to make home improvements. Other times they take that long needed vacation to Europe. Again, the money is yours to do with as you please.

Risk Verse Reward

Both home equity lines of credit and cash out options come with risks. The lender will require that the loan be paid off at a certain date that is negotiable. Even people with low credit scores can take out bad credit home equity lines of credit, but the risk of eventually falling behind in mortgage payments and other debts is something that needs to be weighed against the possible benefits.

If you have a good idea of how you might use the equity you’ve already invested in your home than you should visit They have excellent real estate services and can provide assistance no matter where you are in the country. Call them today at 1-800-987-1397.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Various Reasons To Refinanced Home Equity Line Of Credit!!

Today we are going to look at home equity and how to effectively use its potential to improve other areas of your life. Home equity is the market value of your unencumbered interest in your property. This is basically the difference between what your home's fair market value is, and whatever the outstanding balance of all liens are on your property. As you make your mortgage payments each month the equity in your home increases. This is sometimes called real property value. You can also gain equity if the principal value of your property increases. If you've been making payments on your mortgage and have put a down payment on a home already, this money can be accessed in the form of a refinanced home equity line of credit or loan.

  • Home equity lines of credit with fixed rates generally last a certain length of time before the balance must be paid off in full.
  • Sometimes the agreement allows for the homeowner to pay it off over time once the length of the line of credit has ceased, however this is all tax deductible!
  • Home equity loans are lump sums given all at once. The loan must be paid off within a set period of time similar to other loans however because it is tied to your property it too is tax deductible.
  • You are allowed to spend this money however you choose. Many people invest in a small business, send their children to higher education, or fund long needed vacations.
How will you use your equity?

Many people who have been paying fixed or adjustable rate mortgages will eventually want to tap into their equity in order to reinvest in their property. Some military veterans who have been away on active duty while paying off their VA mortgage loan might have come home to a house in disrepair. Maybe you just want to remove the lead paint in your aging home, or perhaps the asbestos within your walls? Perhaps you've heard about the government tax breaks for people who make "green" improvements to their homes. Do you want to add a pool to your back yard, or an addition to expand your living room? Home improvement projects are fairly common forms of equity use and can have great returns for you down the line if you are able to increase the value of your home. Remember by increasing your home value you are actually gaining back equity!

What about a line of credit?

Home equity lines of credit are better for people who expect that they will need a boost to their income over the course of a few years. These are often used to fund higher education. However maybe you or a family member has fallen ill and will have medical costs mounting over the next few years. Equity lines of credit can help get you through the lean years of life and make sometimes unexpected costs of living more manageable.
The most professional and up to date advice on all things related to real estate is found at You can speak with an expert representative anywhere in the country at any time by calling 1-800-987-1397.

Monday 3 June 2013

Resorting To Home Equity Loans with Bad Credit

Remodeling our home was long and arduous, full of decision making and negotiating. Numerous problems arose, and we ended up needing to do more than we had planned. We needed twice the materials we started with, old fixtures could not be reused, and my wife’s entire kitchen had to be broken down. The best opportunity for a loan we had was with a home equity credit. This ended up working in our favor because the value of the house increased with our addition.

The Home Equity Line of Credit Concept

My wife and I were at loose ends with a mound of bad credit on our laps. Our reports were abysmal, juggling car and medical payments. Having eight kids is like living on the edge. It’s even worse when your house is unfit to contain everyone. Luckily our mortgage payments had been current. A friend suggested that we look into home equity line of credit for this new remodeling project. Home equity is the value of the house against the amount that is currently owed. It can be calculated by subtracting the amount owed from the value. Establishing a line of credit with a home equity loan gives the lender a solid form of collateral; the entire house, as a guarantee against default.  Also known as a second mortgage, payment options can come either with a fixed monthly rate or a changing, adjustable rate. representatives can determine whether a consumer should take an adjustable rate mortgage option, in which the loan is paid in piecemeal, and the interest rate on monthly payments changes, or a fixed interest rate mortgage option.

Finding a Lender

With our bad credit, there was an appreciable risk to borrowing against the repossession of the house. We had to search around to find the lender with the best interest rates. Most gave us a high interest rate because of our credit. Applying for a homeequity line of credit with bad credit will put most up against this inconvenience, despite having the house as collateral.

Home Equity Line of Credit with Bad Credit

Most will want to look further into the home equity process with bad credit hanging over their heads. If payments defaulted and suddenly we could not keep up, the lender would have to foreclose our house once it was finished being remodeled. We were reassured by a friendly Representative, and took careful note of their direction in case our second mortgage fell through.

Some people may need to hold off on taking this kind of loan. They may feel the risk of letting payments get out of hand or defaulting would be too great. These people might want to get their finances in order before finding the best home equity line of credit available to them. Real-Estate-Yogi can work with consumers by helping them manage their credit giving advice on loan rates before searching for lenders.

If you’re unsure about home remodeling or any other item that a home equity might adequately support, can provide personnel with knowledge and intuition on both finance and real estate.  Call 1-800-987-1397 for a free consultation.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Deciding between a Line of Credit and a Home Equity Loan

If you are a homeowner who has been paying off a mortgage for a certain amount of time and is in need of some quick cash, then you should consider using your invested home equity. You can do a number of things in this case and it really depends on what your needs are, however the two most common options are home equity loans, or a equity lines of credit. Before you consider using your invested equity weight the options for a line of credit vs. a home equity loan.

  • Equity loans and lines of credit have typically shorter terms than your original mortgage. Most mortgages run for about 30 years while equity loans are usually 5-15 years.
  • A home equity loan is often called a term loan and is a one-time lump sum you pay off over a set amount of time. It is a fixed rate so you make the same payments each month. Once you get the money you won't be able to borrow further on the loan.
  • A line of credit is just like it sounds. It works similar to a credit card. You can borrow up to a certain amount for the life of the loan which is set by the lender.

What are the advantages for lines of credit?

Although most people are familiar with the use of credit cards, how does a home equity line of credit work and what are its advantages? For one it is tax deductible because it relates to your home investment. You can take out money as you need it just like a typical credit card. Every month you pay off the principal and your credit revolves to be used again and again. This is what makes home equity lines of credit a bit more flexible than a home equity loan.

It might not be possible however to find a home equity line of credit with fixed rates. Credit lines usually have variable interest rates that fluctuate over the life of the loan. Payments can vary depending on the interest rate and how much credit you use. Once the life span of a line of credit has expired you have to pay off the entire principal. Still, it might be possible to renew with your lender or extend the term.

How do you choose?

It's not always easy to know what the best option should be for your particular situation. It really comes down to whether you need immediate money for a certain purpose, or plan on needing money to help get through a longer period of time. Maybe your home was damaged by a storm and needs immediate repairs. You are expecting to owe $2,000 within a week and don't have any plans to borrow again. Then you might choose a lump sum home equity loan. However maybe you are trying to send a child to private school and want to have enough money to help pay for tuition over the next few years. A home equity line of credit can help you get through those financial hurdles. A credit line might cost less than a loan in the long run.

You can find online home equity line of credit and loan help by visiting They can set you up with a real estate agent in your part of the country for free by calling 1-800-987-1397

Monday 22 April 2013

How Homeowners Invest With Equity Credit Lines?

Let’s discuss some money saving tips and ways homeowners use mortgages and loans for investment purposes. Homeowners are typically paying off a fixed or adjustable rate mortgage. In either case over time they are building up what real estate agents and lenders call equity. Unlike paying rent on an apartment, the money you are spending on that loan is essentially going into an investment account. This money you are entitled too at any time.

What to do with equity

Fixed rate home loans as well as adjustable rate loans build up equity over time as you pay them. When you've built up a certain amount of equity you might consider using a home equity credit line to invest in other areas of your life. Here are some great reasons you might think about using a HELOC loan.
  • Some people use home equity credit lines to consolidate high interest debt. This lowers their monthly payments on other debts.
  • This equity credit can be deducted from your taxes! If you have enough qualifying expenses to itemize deductions this investment is solid.
  • Lenders will often allow home owners to switch from an adjustable rate mortgage over to a fixed rate when they take out a home equity loan. This means people who used the advantages of adjustable rate mortgages to help buy a home initially can now benefit from the stable monthly payments involved with a fixed rate home equity line of credit.
  • This money is accessible any time for credit checks and is very easy to use.
One of the best differences between an equity credit line and other types of loans is that the interest you pay on a HELOC is tax deductible. This money can be used for whatever you want. Many people use this money to help fund investments like higher education. Others have used it to take that vacation they always dreamed of. Perhaps you have a business idea and need some money to get that started. Because you are essentially spending your own money that you’ve put into your home, you can do whatever you like!

What type of financial decision will you make?

Perhaps the wisest financial decision to make when you refinance a home equity line of credit is to reinvest it right back into your home. Since your house is perhaps your most important asset, improving that asset makes sense doesn’t it? Today you can make “green” improvements on their home such as adding solar panels. In case you haven’t heard, the government gives tax breaks for homes built with green improvements. Something like solar panels or energy efficient heating systems will also save you money in the long run.

Big decisions need careful thought

Always remember that this is another big financial decision. The progress you made towards paying off your mortgage entirely will take a step back. Thus, it might take you longer to eventually own your home outright if that was your ultimate goal. However if you invest your money wisely you could potentially take a giant leap forward financially in the long run.

To get some really helpful and honest advice on how to use home equity lines of credit visit the website They have advisors and agents available all over the U.S. that can help you make the right choices in home ownership. Call them today at 1-800-987-1397 for a free consultation.